Browsing by Author Bonini, Luca

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Showing results 21 to 35 of 35 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
11-Jul-2019Neuronal representations of executed and withheld actions in the macaque anterior intraparietal areaBonini, Luca; Sepe, AlessiaBachelor thesis
27-Mar-2020Neuronal representations of executed and withheld actions in the macaque presupplementary motor area F6Bonini, Luca; Grignaffini, MicheleMaster thesis
Mar-2022Neuronal representations of self and other in the monkey basal gangliaBonini, Luca; Reni, MatildeMaster thesis
Mar-2023Neuronal selectivity for spontaneous yawning in the monkey ventral premotor cortexBonini, Luca; Spanu, RiccardoMaster thesis
4-Nov-2016Neuroni con proprietà specchio nella corteccia premotoria dorsaleFogassi, Leonardo; Bonini, Luca; Paraboschi, DerekBachelor thesis
Mar-2024Parental overcontrol and dissociative amnesia : a cross-sectional studyFarina, Benedetto; Bonini, Luca; Rizza, BiancaMaster thesis
14-Jul-2023Peripersonal space plasticityBonini, Luca; Rinaldi, Luca SergeyMaster thesis
31-Mar-2023Proprietà dei neuroni peripersonali della corteccia premotoria ventrale in scimmie libere di muoversiBonini, Luca; Pagliara, CristinaMaster thesis
Mar-2023Seeing and acting behind a barrier : impact on the response of monkey putamen neuronsBonini, Luca; Mancuso, AntonellaMaster thesis
26-Mar-2021The "social interaction task" : a novel approach to investigate neuronal properties in the macaque putamen nucleusBonini, Luca; Mitola, AnnaMaster thesis
Mar-2023Studio comportamentale sulle corrispondenze cinetiche intermodali durante l'esperienza musicaleBonini, Luca; Kolesnikov, Anna; Spedicato, SharonMaster thesis
31-Mar-2023A Virtual Reality study investigating the influence of architecture in the perception of emotional body postures : an EEG Time-Frequency analysisBonini, Luca; Vecchiato, Giovanni; Rossi, RitaMaster thesis
28-Mar-2024Visual attention and decision-making in macaque monkeys : an electrophysiological studyBonini, Luca; Vincetti, FrancescaMaster thesis
Mar-2024Visual exploration of natural movies in freely-viewing macaquesBonini, Luca; Romano, FrancescoMaster thesis
May-2024The visuotopic organization of the macaque superior colliculusBonini, Luca; Vanduffel, Wim; Sepe, AlessiaDoctoral thesis