Parole rubate / Purloined letters: 2017, 16 Collection home page

Indice / Contents

Special Jane Austen
Austen re-making and re-made. Quotation, intertextuality and rewriting
Editors Eleonora Capra and Diego Saglia
Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges - DIEGO SAGLIA (Università di Parma) 3-11
The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons - EDWARD COPELAND (Pomona College – Claremont) 13-39
“Comedy in its Worst Form”? Seduced and Seductive Heroines in “A Simple Story”, “Lover’s Vows”, and “Mansfield Park” - CARLOTTA FARESE (Università di Bologna) 41-56
Bits of Ivory on the Silver Screen: Austen in Multimodal Quotation and Translation - MASSIMILIANO MORINI (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo) 57-81
Remediating Jane Austen through the Gothic: “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” - SERENA BAIESI (Università di Bologna) 83-99
Revisiting “Pride and Prejudice”: P. D. James’s “Death Comes to Pemberley” - PAOLA PARTENZA (Università “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara) 101-122
P. R. Moore-Dewey’s “Pregiudizio e Orgoglio”: An Italian Remake of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” - ELEONORA CAPRA (Università di Parma) 123-142
Recreating Jane: “Austenland” and the Regency Theme Park - MADDALENA PENNACCHIA (Università di Roma Tre) 143-154
Writing in the Shadow of “Pride and Prejudice”: Jo Baker’s “Longbourn” - OLIVIA MURPHY (Murdoch University – Perth) 155-169
Reading the Austen Project - PENNY GAY (University of Sydney) 171-193

Libri di libri / Books of books
James Frazer, il cinema e “The Most Dangerous Game” - DOMITILLA CAMPANILE (Università di Pisa) 197-208
Jeux et enjeux intertextuels dans “Le Soleil ni la mort ne peuvent se regarder en face” de Wajdi Mouawad - SIMONETTA VALENTI (Università di Parma) 209-233
Re-membering the Bard : David Greig’s and Liz Lochhead’s Re-visionary Reminiscences of “The Tempest” - MARIA ELENA CAPITANI (Università di Parma) 235-250

Libri di libri / Books of books
[recensione – review] Citation, Intertextuality and Memory in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, edited by G. Di Bacco and Y. Plumley, Volume Two: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Medieval Culture, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2013 – Luca Manini
[recensione - review] ‘Open access’ e scienze umane. Note su diffusione e percezione delle riviste in area umanistica, a cura di Luca Scalco, Milano, Ledizioni, 2016 - ALBERTO SALARELLI 253-257

© Copyright 2017 Parole Rubate. Rivista internazionale di studi sulla citazione. ISSN: 2039-0114

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2017‘Open access’ e scienze umane. Note su diffusione e percezione delle riviste in area umanistica, a cura di Luca Scalco, Milano, Ledizioni, 2016Salarelli, AlbertoArticle
2017Re-membering the Bard : David Greig's and Liz Lochhead's Re-visionary Reminiscences of "The TempestCapitani, Maria ElenaArticle
2017Jeux et enjeux intertextuels dans “Le Soleil ni la mort ne peuvent se regarder en face” de Wajdi MouawadValenti, SimonettaArticle
2017James Frazer, il cinema e “The Most Dangerous Game”Campanile, DomitillaArticle
2017Reading the Austen ProjectGay, PennyArticle
2017Writing in the Shadow of “Pride and Prejudice”: Jo Baker’s “Longbourn”Murphy, OliviaArticle
2017Recreating Jane: “Austenland” and the Regency Theme ParkPennacchia, MaddalenaArticle
2017P. R. Moore-Dewey’s “Pregiudizio e Orgoglio”: An Italian Remake of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice"Capra, EleonoraArticle
2017Revisiting “Pride and Prejudice”: P. D. James’s “Death Comes to Pemberley”Partenza, PaolaArticle
2017Remediating Jane Austen through the Gothic: “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies”Baiesi, SerenaArticle
2017Bits of Ivory on the Silver Screen: Austen in Multimodal Quotation and TranslationMorini, MassimilianoArticle
2017“Comedy in its Worst Form”? Seduced and Seductive Heroines in “A Simple Story”, “Lover’s Vows”, and “Mansfield Park”Farese, CarlottaArticle
2017The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling CanonsCopeland, EdwardArticle
2017Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and ChallengesSaglia, DiegoArticle
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14