Indice / Contents
- Special Jane Austen
Austen re-making and re-made. Quotation, intertextuality and rewriting
Editors Eleonora Capra and Diego Saglia - Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges - DIEGO SAGLIA (Università di Parma) 3-11
- The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons - EDWARD COPELAND (Pomona College – Claremont) 13-39
- “Comedy in its Worst Form”? Seduced and Seductive Heroines in “A Simple Story”, “Lover’s Vows”, and “Mansfield Park” - CARLOTTA FARESE (Università di Bologna) 41-56
- Bits of Ivory on the Silver Screen: Austen in Multimodal Quotation and Translation - MASSIMILIANO MORINI (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo) 57-81
- Remediating Jane Austen through the Gothic: “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” - SERENA BAIESI (Università di Bologna) 83-99
- Revisiting “Pride and Prejudice”: P. D. James’s “Death Comes to Pemberley” - PAOLA PARTENZA (Università “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara) 101-122
- P. R. Moore-Dewey’s “Pregiudizio e Orgoglio”: An Italian Remake of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” - ELEONORA CAPRA (Università di Parma) 123-142
- Recreating Jane: “Austenland” and the Regency Theme Park - MADDALENA PENNACCHIA (Università di Roma Tre) 143-154
- Writing in the Shadow of “Pride and Prejudice”: Jo Baker’s “Longbourn” - OLIVIA MURPHY (Murdoch University – Perth) 155-169
- Reading the Austen Project - PENNY GAY (University of Sydney) 171-193
- The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons - EDWARD COPELAND (Pomona College – Claremont) 13-39
- Libri di libri / Books of books
- James Frazer, il cinema e “The Most Dangerous Game” - DOMITILLA CAMPANILE (Università di Pisa) 197-208
- Jeux et enjeux intertextuels dans “Le Soleil ni la mort ne peuvent se regarder en face” de Wajdi Mouawad - SIMONETTA VALENTI (Università di Parma) 209-233
- Re-membering the Bard : David Greig’s and Liz Lochhead’s Re-visionary Reminiscences of “The Tempest” - MARIA ELENA CAPITANI (Università di Parma) 235-250
- Jeux et enjeux intertextuels dans “Le Soleil ni la mort ne peuvent se regarder en face” de Wajdi Mouawad - SIMONETTA VALENTI (Università di Parma) 209-233
- Libri di libri / Books of books
- [recensione – review] Citation, Intertextuality and Memory in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, edited by G. Di Bacco and Y. Plumley, Volume Two: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Medieval Culture, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2013 – Luca Manini
- [recensione - review] ‘Open access’ e scienze umane. Note su diffusione e percezione delle riviste in area umanistica, a cura di Luca Scalco, Milano, Ledizioni, 2016 - ALBERTO SALARELLI 253-257
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