Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: https://hdl.handle.net/1889/5557
Titolo: Messa a punto di un metodo di sanificazione di ambienti e contesti urbani tramite l'impiego di acqua elettrolizzata a basso impatto ambientale: verifica degli aspetti di sostenibilità chimica
Titoli alternativi: Development of a method for sanising urban environments and contexts through the use of electrolysed water with low environmental impact: assessment of chemical sustainability aspects
Autori: Gessi, Alessandro
Data: 2024
Editore: Università degli Studi di Parma. Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, della vita e della sostenibilità ambientale
Document Type: Doctoral thesis
Abstract: The experimental campaign described and summarized in this PhD is an assessment of the chemical and sustainability aspects of HOCl as a disinfectant, produced by GATE srl, Ferrara. The work is twofold: a compatibility test on several reference materials, connected with the eventual presence/deposition of NaCl over them and an LCA assessment, comparing HOCl with another commercial disinfectant. Analyzing the large amount of experimental data gathered during the PhD activities gave interesting results. Where the exposure of non-metallic materials or steel did not lead to compatibility issues, bare metals showed degradation due to salt deposition. On the other hand, the experimental LCA analysis showed the clear ecological advantage of HOCl vs other commercial products. The experimental work was carried out at the ENEA DISPREV lab, in Bologna.
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Biologia evoluzionistica ed ecologia. Tesi di dottorato

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