Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: https://hdl.handle.net/1889/5542
Titolo: Relazione tra emissioni di gas effetto serra e benessere animale in allevamenti di bovine da latte
Titoli alternativi: Relationship between greenhouse gas emission and animal welfare in dairy cattle herds
Autori: Buzzi, Greta
Data: 13-dic-2023
Editore: Università di Parma. Dipartimento di Scienze Medico-Veterinarie
Document Type: Master thesis
Abstract: This thesis explores the interconnection between livestock farming and greenhouse gas emissions in livestock farming, focusing on the Lombardia region through the analysis of 22 farms affiliated with Padania Alimenti. The aim is to assess variations in animal welfare and greenhouse gas emissions over time and based on farm sizes. For what concerns total emissions, the research reveals significant variations in the environmental impact of some farms producing milk compared to others doing the same task. The main sources of emissions are enteric fermentations and feed production. Animal welfare assessment, based on the Classyfarm protocol, shows an average of 78%, with higher scores in farm management and animal-based measures. The size of the farm notably influence the animal welfare, in fact larger farms achieve higher scores. Temporal analysis detects variations in emissions and animal welfare over the years, emphasizing the importance of monitoring specific practices. The analysis of the impact of farm size highlights the correlations between farm size and emissions from enteric fermentations and feed production, with larger farms achieving overall higher animal welfare scores. The research emphasizes how linked the animal welfare and the greenhouse gas emissions in livestock farming are, while also highlighting the importance of the size of the farms considered and the implementation of sustainable practices. However, for a more in-depth understanding, improving the assessment protocol and considering a broader range of specific factors is recommended to guide business decisions, government policies, and social actions towards fairer, more sustainable, and animal-friendly livestock production.
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Scienze medico-veterinarie

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