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Browsing by Author Gilioli, Edmondo
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type |
| Mar-2015 | Combined magnetic, electric, ferroelectric and magnetoelectric characterization of novel multiferroic perovskites obtained by high pressure/temperature synthesis | Solzi, Massimo; Gilioli, Edmondo; Delmonte, Davide | Doctoral thesis |
| 2009 | Growth of oxide thin films for energy devices by Pulsed Electron Deposition | Gilioli, Edmondo; Pattini, Francesco | Doctoral thesis |
| 2024 | High Pressure/High Temperature synthesis of novel functional perovskites and their structural, magnetic, and electrical characterizations | Gilioli, Edmondo; Coppi, Chiara | Doctoral thesis |
| 9-Mar-2018 | Novel TCO contacts for fabrication of CIGS bifacial solar cells | Fornari, Roberto; Gilioli, Edmondo; Cavallari, Nicholas | Doctoral thesis |
| 17-Mar-2017 | Progress in photovoltaic cells based on Low-Temperature Pulsed-Electron-Deposited Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films | Gilioli, Edmondo; Annoni, Filippo | Doctoral thesis |
| 2022 | Sviluppo di celle fotovoltaiche bifacciali o a film sottile basate su calcogenuri complessi con deposizioni fisiche da vuoto e da fase liquida | Delmonte, Davide; Gilioli, Edmondo; Sala, Andrea | Doctoral thesis |