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Dottorato in Biologia del comportamento, Biologia vegetale, Fisiopatologia sistemica

Al Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva e Funzionale afferiscono i Dottorati in Biologia del comportamento, Biologia vegetale, Biotecnologie, Ecologia, Fisiopatologia sistemica.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 144
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2024Engraftment, development, and roles of the infant gut microbiotaMilani, Christian; Tarracchini, ChiaraDoctoral thesis
2024Genetic and molecular response to quantum dots in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeMarmiroli, Marta; Luche, SophiaDoctoral thesis
2024Geography, diet and host’s lifestyle shape the human gut microbiotaTurroni, Francesca; Fontana, FedericoDoctoral thesis
2024Engineered vectors for single-domain antibody selection from immune and synthetic librariesBolchi, Angelo; Ciummo, YleniaDoctoral thesis
17-May-2024Nanobiotechnologies to improve plant protectionMaestri, Elena; Carlo, SilviaDoctoral thesis
2024Dissecting the functionality of the human microbiota in different body districtsVentura, Marco; Argentini, ChiaraDoctoral thesis
2023Unlocking the hidden potential of genetic diversity to improve durum wheat tolerant to heat stressJanni, Michela; Marmiroli, Nelson; Maestri, Elena; Palermo, NadiaDoctoral thesis
26-Jan-2023Exploring different microbial communities through metagenomic approachesVentura, Marco; Longhi, GiuliaDoctoral thesis
26-Jan-2023Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria characterization. Dissecting the role of Beijerinckia fluminensis in reducing salt stress in A. thalianaVisioli, Giovanna; Giannelli, GianluigiDoctoral thesis
2023Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases mutations in human mitochondrial diseases: contribution of yeast to understand the functional significance of novel variants and to approach the identification of therapeutical compoundsGoffrini, Paola; Figuccia, SoniaDoctoral thesis
2023Identification of missing links in eukaryotic metabolism through coevolutionary analysisPercudani, Riccardo; Dembech, ElenaDoctoral thesis
2023Caratterizzazione funzionale del sistema tossina-antitossina di tipo II DinJ-YafQ in Lactobacillus paracasei: la regolazione della crescita batterica come risposta adattativa allo stressRivetti, Claudio; Bonini, Aleksandra AnnaDoctoral thesis
2022Contribution of applied biology to mitigation of urban air pollution and prevention of its effects on health and environmentMaestri, Elena; Vogli, MegiDoctoral thesis
2022Expression profiling of the developing rabbit lungMontanini, Barbara; Ricci, FrancescaDoctoral thesis
2022The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a helpful tool to study mutations in genes associated with Hereditary Optic Neuropathies (HON)Baruffini, Enrico; Degiorgi, AndreaDoctoral thesis
2022Varianti genetiche nel pathway della calcio calmodulina in associazione con malattie cardiovascolari: focus sul potenziale ruolo di CaMKK1 nel cuore e nei vasiBuschini, Annamaria; Beghi, SofiaDoctoral thesis
2022Identification and characterization of new enzymes involved in bacterial phosphonate catabolismPeracchi, Alessio; Zangelmi, ErikaDoctoral thesis
2022Applications of mass spectrometry-based proteomics to characterize preclinical animal modelsMontanini, Barbara; Faietti, Maria LauraDoctoral thesis
2022Potential health risks and biomedical applications of engineered inorganic nanoparticlesRuotolo, Roberta; Marmiroli, Nelson; De Giorgio, GiuseppeDoctoral thesis
2022Antibacterial Compounds targeting the DNA Polymerase III HoloenzymeMontanini, Barbara; Caputo, AlessiaDoctoral thesis
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 144