XVI Conferenza Scientifica Nazionale AISSEC Collection home page


In questa collezione sono raccolte le relazioni presentate alla XVI Conferenza Scientifica Nazionale AISSEC (Associazione Italiana per lo Studio dei Sistemi Economici Comparati), Università di Parma, 21-23 giugno 2007.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
9-Apr-2009Environment and Official Statistics: Data Needs and Data AvailabilityPierantoni, Isabella; Cammarota, MaraConference lecture
10-Jul-2008The economics of TheocracyFerrero, Mario; University of Eastern PiedmontConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Migrants’ transfers and educational expenditure: empirical evidence from AlbaniaCattaneo, Cristina; Fondazione Eni Enrico MatteiConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Are the New Economy Stocks Independent of the Economy: A Comparison of USA and IndiaChakrabarti, Gagari; Chakrabarti, Anjan; Sarkar, Amitava; Presidency College; University of Calcutta; West Bengal University of TechnologyConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Post-socialist transformation and growth regime: some comments about the Chinese caseCharles, Sébastien; El Karouni, Ilyess; University of Paris 8Conference lecture
6-Jun-2008Why Decolonization?Bonfatti, Roberto; London School of EconomicsConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Production offshoring and the skill composition of Italian manufacturing firms: a non-parametric analysisAntonietti, Roberto; Antonioli, Davide; University of Bologna; University of FerraraConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Labor Market Regulation and Retirement AgeMagnani, Marco; University of ParmaConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Import, Export and Turnover in MoroccoBottini, Novella; Gasiorek, Michael; University of Pavia; Sussex UniversityConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Redundancies in an industry in transition: who gets fired and why?Rinaldi, Gustavo; Imperial College LondonConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Forms of Industrial Development in Chinese Specialized Towns: An Italian PerspectiveBellandi, Marco; Caloffi, Annalisa; University of FlorenceConference lecture
6-Jun-2008One market, how many social models? Policy and performance indicators for the EU - 27Rovelli, Riccardo; University of BolognaConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Measuring Economic Well-Being in a Multidimensional PerspectiveCroci Angelini, Elisabetta; Michelangeli, Alessandra; University of Macerata, University of Milano-BicoccaPresentation
6-Jun-2008Apertura economica, istruzione e disuguaglianze di reddito in tre archetipi di paesi in via di sviluppoSaccone, Donatella; University of TorinoConference lecture
6-Jun-2008China's Foreign Exchange Regime and Financial PoliciesFu, Bo; University of TsukubaConference lecture
6-Jun-2008The role of education for the duration of unemploymentDanacica, Daniela-Emanuela; Babucea, Ana-Gabriela; Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu-JiuConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Crescita economica e finanziamento della ricerca: un’analisi comparativa fra i paesi e situazione italianaCoccia, Mario; CERIS-CNRConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Organizzazione e regolazione del settore idrico: un'analisi comparata delle esperienze internazionaliMassarutto, Antonio; University of UdinePresentation
6-Jun-2008Trade and business cycle co-movement: evidence from the EUBocola, Luigi; University of TorinoConference lecture
6-Jun-2008Banche e sviluppo in CinaIannini, Giuseppe; University of PaviaConference lecture
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59