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Title: 13th International conference on geostatistics for environmental applications
Authors: Zanini, Andrea
D'Oria, Marco
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Università degli studi di Parma
Document Type: Book
Abstract: The 13th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications (geoENV2020) was scheduled in Parma, Italy on July 2020. The international health crisis affected the conference, which was initially postponed to June 2021 and eventually replaced by a one-day virtual event on June 18, 2021 with the presentations of the keynote lecturers. This book contains the abstracts and extended abstracts submitted to the conference and focusing on geostatistics applied to different fields such as: climate change, ecology, natural resources, forestry, agriculture, geostatistical theory and new methodologies, health, epidemiology, ecotoxicology, inverse modeling, multiple point geostatistics, remote sensing, soil applications, spatio-temporal processes and surface and subsurface hydrology. The Scientific Committee initially selected about 100 abstracts and 68 contributions were confirmed to be published in these proceedings. The next geoENV conference (geoENV2022) will be held in Parma, Italy on June 2022. We expect more colleagues from all over the world to join this international event next year.
Appears in Collections:Articoli e lavori di ricerca

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