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Title: Synthurbanism
Authors: Richter, Vjenceslav
Editors: Bignotti, Ilaria
Remondina, Camilla
Issue Date: 9-Nov-2018
Document Type: Working Paper
Abstract: La profonda analisi sugli apporti dati dalle avanguardie storiche e dal concetto di sintesi delle arti, tradotti nell'esperienza acquisita lavorando su diversi padiglioni, e lo studio dei problemi dell'urbanistica anche attraverso la lettura dei modelli moderni, portarono Richter nei primi anni Sessanta a sviluppare l'idea di Synthurbanism. Come suggerisce il neologismo, si tratta di un progetto non utopico ma visionario, una sorta di cellula urbanistica capace di sintetizzare - e gestire - la vita di 10.000 persone in una sola, poli-funzionale struttura urbana che comprendeva una moltitudine di unità sotto forma di ziggurat.
Richter developed the idea of Synthurbanism in the early sixties as a result of his in-depth analysis of the legacy of the historical avant-gardes and the synthesis of arts, through the principles of Modernism, along with the experience he acquired working on several pavilion and urban planning projects. As the neologism suggests, it was a visionary, but not utopian project, synthesizing urbanism to provide for the lives of ten thousand people in a single, poly-functional, urban structure consisting of multiple units in the form of a ziggurat. This gave rise to the idea of the Heliopolis, a four-dimensional, constantly revolving residential structure which would provide its inhabitants with an constantly changing view.
Description: 1_AVR-N01:Synthurbanism, Sezione dello Ziggurat / Ziggurat section, 1963-1964, matita e inchiostro indiano su carta da lucido / pencil and Indian ink on tracing-paper, 78,5 x 206 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 2_AVR-N02: Synthurbanism, Sezione dello Ziggurat, 1963-1964, inchiostro su carta da lucido,109,5 x 204 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb 3_AVR-N03: Synthurbanism, Sezione dello Ziggurat, 1963-1964, inchiostro indiano su carta da lucido, 109 x 211 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 4_AVR-N04: Synthurbanism, Pianta dell’unità abitativa, 1963-1964, inchiostro indiano su carta da lu-cido, 106 x 150 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 5_AVR-N06: Synthurbanism, Sezione dello Ziggurat, 1963-1964, inchiostro indiano su carta da lucido, 84,5 x 136,5 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 6_AVR-N07: Synthurbanism, Prospettiva dello Ziggurat, 1963-1964, inchiostro indiano su carta da lu-cido, 82 x 110 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 7_AVR-N08: Synthurbanism, Prospettiva dello Ziggurat, 1963-1964, matita su carta da lucido, 86,5 x 141,5 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 8_AVR-N09: Synthurbanism, Ziggurat, pianta del piano terra, 1963-1964, inchiostro su carta da lucido, 109,5 x 141. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb.
Project materials description: 1_AVR-N01: Synthurbanism, Ziggurat section, 1963-1964, pencil and Indian ink on tracing-paper, 78,5 x 206 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 2_AVR-N02: Synthurbanism, Ziggurat section, 1963-1964, ink on tracing-paper,109,5 x 204 cm. Vjen-ceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb 3_AVR-N03: Synthurbanism, Ziggurat section, 1963-1964, Indian ink on tracing-paper, 109 x 211 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 4_AVR-N04: Synthurbanism, block plan, 1963-1964, Indian ink on tracing-paper, 106 x 150 cm. Vjen-ceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 5_AVR-N06: Synthurbanism, Ziggurat section, 1963-1964, Indian ink on tracing-paper, 84,5 x 136,5 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 6_AVR-N07: Synthurbanism, Ziggurat perspective, 1963-1964, Indian ink on tracing-paper, 82 x 110 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 7_AVR-N08: Synthurbanism, Ziggurat perspective, 1963-1964, pencil on tracing-paper, 86,5 x 141,5 cm. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb. 8_AVR-N09: Synthurbanism, Ziggurat, ground floor plan, 1963-1964, ink on tracing-paper, 109,5 x 141. Vjenceslav Richter Archive, MSU Zagreb.
Appears in Collections:MoRE - Collezione Progetti

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